Una Vida Buena y Sana | A Good and Healthful Life

Recovery-Friendly Taos County

Recovery-Friendly Taos County

Recovery-Friendly Taos County is a project of Rio Grande ATP, Inc.

Recovery-Friendly Taos County is a project of Rio Grande ATP, Inc. with the direction of helping to bridge the gaps between treatment and recovery.

Mission: Dedicated to promoting a recovery-friendly community through network development of supports, opportunities, access to services, education, and information. We are committed to reducing the barriers created by stigma and replacing it with hope and wellbeing.

Vision: Recovery-Friendly Taos County envisions a community that promotes freedom from Substance Abuse by mobilizing individuals and community resources to overcome stigma, provide access to services, and support individual, family, and community recovery. “Una Vida Buena y Sana – A Good and Healthful Life”

a small example of Weekly Services

Morning Women’s Support Group

Mondays at 10am

Pottery Mindfulness Group

Mondays at Noon

Life Skills Group

Mondays at 2pm

Men’s Support Group

Tuesdays at 10am

Veterans Peer Support Group

Wednesdays at 1400

Call Recovery-Friendly Taos County at (575) 213-6002 or visit at www.rfnm.org to find out more

Rio Grande ATP logo with A Project Of text
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