Una Vida Buena y Sana | A Good and Healthful Life


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Need A Job?
Want A Career?



Supporting The Path You Choose!
Work Is Recovery!

Supported Career Opportunities Network (SCON) is a program with You as our focus. Helping you achieve employment and acquiring the skills to become a productive employee with these services:

  • Assessing abilities, interests and values
  • Career interest inventory and exploration
  • Job and Career Coaching
  • Conducting a job search 
  • Writing resumes and cover letters
  • Preparing for interviews
  • Providing support and referral to High School Equivalency (HSE) / GED
  • Providing support and referral for higher levels of education

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9am-3pm, and by appointment.

Come in or call for an assessment appointment today (575) 303-5125

412 Sipapu Street, Taos, NM 87571


Supporting the Path YOU Choose!

Work IS Recovery!

The Supported Career Opportunities Network is sponsored by Recovery-Friendly Taos County, which is a project of Rio Grande ATP, Inc.  

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